Activities & News
In this section we share all information about our ongoing activities and news about the project:
- team teaching
- guest lectures
- conference participation
- conference talks & roundtables
- project meetings
- workshops
- ...

Überraschend Ukrainisch: Gerechtigkeit hat viele Gesichter
Together with FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar, Forum Geschlechterforschung and UkraineFreundeSaar e.V. we will hold an open dialogue on Tag der Offenen Gesellschaft on June 17, 2023 at 15:30 p.m. CET.
The motto of this year's Tag der offenen Gesellschaft is 'fairness' and and we invite you to take part in an afternoon of open conversation with Ukrainian women now living in Saarbrücken. Accompanied by Ukrainian snacks we will discuss how women transform challenges into opportunities, with German-Ukrainian relations at the center of attention. Our Ukrainian guests will bring a unique and precious perspective on everyday topics and we hope for a lively exchange.
Please register via e-mail at

Ukraine Fulbright Lectures
The NamLitCult department and UniGr Border Studies are happy to participate in the „Ukraine Fulbright Lectures“ in May/Junemit
All lectures will take place via zoom, for more info contact
Wednesday, 17 May 2023, 4 pm
Isis Luxenburger: „The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)“
Tuesday, 23 May 2023 1 pm
Dr. Tobias Schank: „Bordertexuring the German-Polish borderlands“
Friday, 26 May 2023 4 pm
Bärbel Schlimbach: „From Frontier to Border Studies: Changing Approaches to Borders in the American West“
Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 4 pm
Eva Nossem: „Of Languages and Borders: Staking Out the Field of Border Linguistics”
Monday, 5 June 2023, 4 pm
Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner: „What is border writing?“

International Summer School 2023: Wartime Experiences
From April 16 to April 24, 2023 Saarland University will be hosting students and faculty members from West Chester University (WSU) in the United States, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University and Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in Ukraine for an International Summer School where students will engage with the idea of “Witnessing and Documenting Wartime Experiences.”
Find more information here
(D)on Quixote and the US-Mexican borderlands: A tertulia with Octavio Solis and Prof. Oleksandr Pronkevych
Online Lecture: (Re)Building the Bridges: Education and Job Market in Ukraine
On November 25, 9:00 pm CET, Kateryna Haidarzhyi will give an online lecture about the peculiarities of the educational system and the job market in Ukraine, as well as taboos and pitfalls in Ukrainian-German communication.
"Der Vortrag versucht, eine möglichst umfassende Einführung in die Besonderheiten der Lebens- und Arbeitsverhältnisse in der Ukraine zu geben. Wie ist das ukrainische Bildungssystem aufgebaut? Wie sieht der Arbeitsmarkt in der Ukraine aus? Welche interkulturellen Stolpersteine sind zu erwarten? Gibt es Tabuthemen für die Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine? Welche kulturellen Besonderheiten und welche Erwartungen bestehen? Wissenswerte Hintergrundinformationen und eine kulturelle Akzentuierung erscheinen sinnvoll für die Netzwerkpartner, die mit Geflüchteten im sozialpädagogischen und akademischen Kontext arbeiten."
Borders in Crisis: Screening of Ukrainian Films and Documentaries
Coming soon we have a series of four Ukrainian films and documentaries screening at Kino 8 1/2 in Saarbrücken! All screenings begin at 7 p.m.
Friday, November 4: Earth by Alexander Dovzhenko, a 1930s silent film.
Friday, November 18: Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Sergei Parajanov, a 1965 film of Ukrainian magical realist cinema.
Friday, December 2: The Guide by Oles Sanin, a drama about an American boy and a Ukrainian blind bard.
Friday, December 12: The Earth is Blue as an Orange by Iryna Tsylik, a documentary about living in the front-line war zone.
New Project: Borders in Crisis
funded by Volkswagen Foundation
We've received a grant for a new project!
The research project "Borders in Crisis: Discursive, Narrative, and Mediatic Border Struggles in Ukraine, Europe, and North America," funded by the Volkswagen Foundation funding line for displaced Ukrainian scholars, has started in June 2022.
In this project, a team of five Ukrainan scholars collaborates with Prof. Fellner, the NamLitCult team, and the UniGR-Center for Border Studies at Saarland University to focus on processes of identity formation and discursive border struggles in and around Ukraine.
The project will lead to a joint publication and a series of outreach events. Stay tuned!
New Project: Studybridge Ukraine-Saar
funded by DAAD
We've received a grant for a new project!
The research project "Studybridge Ukraine-Saar," funded by the DAAD funding line Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis, has started in August 2022.
In this project, teams from Saarland University (for the dept. of English, Prof. Fellner & the NamLitCult team) cooperate with the Faculty of Philosophy at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolayiv, to set up joint digital teaching and learning environments to create a stable and sustainable course offer even in these instable times of war.
More news coming soon!
New Project: Global Classroom Ukraine-Saarland
funded by the U.S. Embassy
We've received a grant for a new project!
The teaching project "Global Classroom Ukraine-Saarland," funded by the U. S. Embassy and organized in cooperation with the German American Institute DAI Saarland, will start in the fall of 2022.
More news coming soon!
Oleksandr Pronkevych's War Diary (Spanish)
Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Pronkevych, the dean of the faculty of philology at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine and the head of our project on the Mykolayiv side, has published daily entries in his war diary in the Spanish newspaper La Voz de Galicia.
Click here to access and read his diary (in Spanish).
War in Ukraine
War in Ukraine
We are appalled by the events in Ukraine and we are following the news in disbelief and shock. Our hearts are with our colleagues, students, and friends in Ukraine.
A warm welcome to all our Ukrainian friends, colleagues, and students who are currently at Saarland University and at our partner universities in the Greater Region. Saarland University | NamLitCult will make sure you not only find shelter but also a welcoming home. We are very honored to have you here with us!